Dear readers,
today’s a special day! My blog is online since exactly four years now and it feels both like a long and a short span of time. When I think of the blog itself it really feels not like four years, maybe also because I took some time off in between (like during my exchange year) or didn’t post regularly (which I still don’t do, but that’s another thing…). On the other hand, thinking about what has happened in my life “offline” and besides the blog, four years seem like an eternity. I had just turned 14 when I started the blog and published the very first entry which you can see above. I wrote mostly about myself and already at that time I knew that I don’t pursue a “blog career” – meaning: no obligation for regular posts and being completely free regarding creating content and taking time to publish anything on the blog. Since this very first post, I still feel like Lizblick is my little public diary, with the exception that I’m able to share my thoughts with you which I really like about this kind of “diary”. Plus, it’s nice to look up old postings and to remind myself what I’ve done during all these years (especially since I have a very bad memory…). I hope to be able to continue this journey and maybe also get in contact with even more people, sharing and discussing all the big and small things in life which make me glad, upset or thoughtful.
All in all, these four years have been an amazing time and I’m really looking forward to what’s coming next.
Apart from the birthday words there is another reason for this slightly special day. At least for me, because my latest shooting on Monday was a bit different than the ones I’ve done before. I’ve already told you in my last post a little bit about the background.
Maybe you noticed this already if you have followed the blog for some time past, but my love for photographing started almost at the same time I began writing on the blog. Photographing was somehow always the connection between the blog and my personal life. It’s the same thing with photographing as it is with the blog, I do it because I like to keep memories and because I feel absolutely no kind of obligation to be professional. I don’t feel the need to fulfill someone else’s expectations and I can do simply what I feel like doing. After a time, when I photographed pretty much everything in my surroundings, I got more and more interested in people and portrait photography. I like how the expression of people tells a story and exposes their very own, private feelings.
This brings me to the following pictures from our shoot last Monday. First of all, I’m beyond grateful that I was able to shoot these two beautiful human beings, Monika and Matthias. Monika is a dear friend of mine and I really admire her positive, open-minded character. A countless amount of time we talked about shooting ideas and she is just so enthusiastic about every single one. And, as I told you in my last post, I’ve never met Matthias before, so I literally didn’t know what expectations he would have towards the shoot or simply what he was like. I was really surprised and glad that he turned out to be just as cheerful and excited as all of us. And well, we didn’t wanna stop shooting because after the “awkward first half an hour” (as I call it) it was just getting better and better with every minute. I think we all enjoyed this afternoon to the fullest. So huge thanks to both of them and of course also a million thanks to my beloved friend Martina, who always makes everybody laugh and have fun! Those days are exactly the reason why I love photographing so much. The pictures below are just a few which I think sum up this post/the day quite good, but there will be of course a lot more which I’m gonna show you soon.
Happy Easter and have a great beginning of the week!